Get in TOUCH
Based in Los Angeles, we’re always looking to collaborate with local sponsors who align with our brand.
Also…non-local sponsors. This is The Internet.
If you have a sponsored post or brand partnership project in mind, fill out the form on the brand collaborations page to get the ball rollin’ a little faster.
If you’re a fellow cocktailer and want to contribute recipes or stories, we’d love to feature you. Maybe. Let’s chat.
Got other shenanigans in mind? Drop us a line in the form below.

Contact US
Wanna send us STUFF?
Ok. Twist our ARM.
Drinking with Chickens
122A E. Foothill Blvd, #357
Arcadia, CA 91006-2505
Please note… First of all, thanks in advance for sending us something.
We really do. It’s a fantastic something.
But unfortunately, we can’t necessarily share or promote your something just because you sent it to us.
Maybe we will, maybe we won’t. We have commitment issues. It’s a long story.